In Preview, you’ll find tools to add text to your PDF file, underline, strike through, highlight existing text, add shapes, and add comments. Some Macs may use Quick Look, but most will use the Preview app. Which tool your Mac defaults to depends on the version of macOS you are using. Every macOS has a built-in tool for filling and signing PDFs. But how do you make edits to your PDF on a Mac? Does Mac come with a native PDF editor?

Your trusty Mac is standing at the ready. The first-draft PDF is coming along great, but there are numerous copy and imagery edits that need to be made before it’s ready to go. Say your team is creating a brochure for a business or charity event and it involves a number of writers and artists to produce the finished product. Whether for personal, business, or school-related documents, here’s an easy way to edit PDFs and share them with your team.